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Abu Hurairah (RA) reported Allah’s Messenger (SAW) as saying, “He who strives to serve a widow and a poor person is like the one who strives in Allah’s way.” He also reported that when a man complained to the Messenger of Allah of being hard hearted he said, “Show affection to the orphans and feed the poor.”

 A Giver Of Maintenance To The Widows And The Poor Is Like A Giver In The Way Of God, An Utterer Of Prayers All Night, And Fasting During The Day.  Bukhari

 It’s a distressing time when a partner dies, both emotionally and financially. If you’re financially dependent on your partner or spouse, you may wonder how you’ll be able to get by. Many widows does not get any bereavement allowance from anywhere. It becomes very difficult for them to take of their family, feed and educate their children.It is very difficult for widows to financially support themselves if they have children to look after. This problem is aggravated in countries which do not offer any support to them. By sponsoring a widow and her children, you can ameliorate their difficulties by covering their basic needs.The Islamic ruling is that after the husband, the responsibility of her assistance and maintenance falls on the son, father, and brother(s) respectively. Failing that, the responsibility falls on the community around her. Failing that the responsibility is on the Muslims as a whole.

 Sabilillah helps widows take care of her family, her children, provide her job to support her family.