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The Family Aid program aims to support indigenous families living in the highlands of rural Guatemala and the many varied obstacles they face living in extreme poverty. 

The global economic crisis has hit rural Guatemala over the last few years, making it more difficult for the rural poor to meet the most fundamental of needs. Mayan Families helps provide the following to families in crisis.

  • Emergency food and housing
  • Medicines and medical care
  • Household necessities like beds, mattresses, etc
  • Water filters
  • Fuel-efficient stoves
  • Egg-laying hens
  • Ongoing nutritional support
  • Home construction and repair

You can support this essential program in a variety of ways.

  • Browse the list of families that are in urgent need of assistance. Either through a one-off payment or ongoing support
  • Send a donation to our General Family Aid Fund to allow us to provide ongoing assistance to where there is the greatest need
  • Send a gift to a specific family or person that you are aware is in need of support.