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It is known from the teachings of Islam that seeking knowledge and seeking to understand the religion is one of the best acts of worship and obedience to Allah. The same is true for studying Quran and trying to recite and memorize it as much as one can. All of these are among the best acts of worship.

The first few verses of Holy Qur’an that were revealed to our Holy Prophet Mohammed (SallallahuAlaihiWa’Sallam) mention the importance of reading, pen, and teaching for human beings.

“Read in the name of your Lord who created”

“Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood”

“Read, and your Lord is the most Generous”

“Who taught by the pen”

“Taught man that which he knew not.”

(Holy Qur’an 96:1-5)

“O my Lord! Increase me in knowledge.” (Quran 20:114)

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Attainment of knowledge is a must for every Muslim.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave.

“Whoever follows a path to seek knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to Paradise. The angels beat their wings in approval of the seeker of knowledge, and those who are in the heavens and on earth pray for forgiveness for the scholar, even the fish in the water. The superiority of the scholar over the worshipper is like the superiority of the moon over all other heavenly bodies. The scholars are the heirs of the Prophets, for the Prophets did not leave behind dinars or dirhams, rather they left behind knowledge, so whoever gains knowledge has gained great good fortune.'” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi

Many children are not enrolled in school. These children are at greater risk for exploitation and lower income-earning potential. Sabilillah addresses works with communities and local governments to improve access to and the quality of education children receive. Webelieves that everyone has a right to basic education.

What could be more beautiful than having the word of Allah learnt and stamped on the hearts of the Momineen (believers)? Nothing is more sacred in this world, other than the word of Allah, and sponsoring children to memorise the miracle of Allah is one of the biggest acts of virtue which one could ensure in this world. It’s an opportunity for the people who are associated with Hifz-ul-Quran sponsorship, to earn the pleasure of Allah.