Home > Causes > Sponser Child Makes the Rainbow Family Programme
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One who looks after the orphan whether he is his relative or not, I and he would be together in Paradise like this, and Malik (explained it) with the gesture by drawing his index finger and middle finger close together (Sahih Muslim 7108)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “This money is fresh and sweet. Blessed is the wealth of the Muslim, from which he gives to the poor, the orphan and the wayfarer” or as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said it. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1465; Muslim, 1052.

You can create a lasting, personal bond and change a child’s life by helping provide health care, education and much more. Somewhere out there, a little girl or boy is waiting for you to become their sponsor.Sponsoring a child helps provide girls and boys with a healthy and successful start to their life —

early childhood development, education, school health.

Your generosity helps your sponsored child and lifts entire communities. As a child sponsorship organization, our programs reach parents, caregivers and community members.Sponsoring an orphan is one of the righteous deeds which Islam encourages us to do and tells us are among the means of entering Paradise, and indeed of attaining the highest positions therein.Sabilillah helps in sponsoring poor child in education, school, health, clothing and foods.